Developing a comprehensive, effective marketing and communications strategy is critical to business success. With the fast-paced business climate we live in, developing and analyzing an up-to-date strategy is even more critical.
The review process begins with the following:
- Working with you and your staff to get a clear picture of your current market situation
- Identifying your needs, challenges, problems and opportunities
- Outlining your goals and objectives
- Identifying strategies to meet your goals given your budget
- Developing and implementing a plan of action.
Businesses need effective materials to promote their message and communicate with their customers. Online content needs to resonate with visitors. Effective communication materials are critical in enganging an audience and marketing your business.
AMW Marketing designs and produces marketing materials cost-effectively compared to other full-service agencies. Our work includes a wide variety of items including, but not limited to:
- Brochures
- Business cards & letterhead
- Online advertising, SEO work, social media management
- Product packaging, Point of Purchase, door tags, etc.
- Press and press relations
- Sales kits and media kits
- Media buying and negotiations
- Direct mail
- Advertising
- Newsletters and E-newsletters
- Event invitations, signage, programs
AMW Marketing provides compelling content and innovative designs that are integral to a marketing piece's success. We can guide you through the decision making process in regards to:
- Layout and design
- Copy writing and editing
- Photography
- Printing (paper stock, quantity, etc)
- Social network marketing
- Digital marketing
- Lead Generation.
We will work with you to stretch your marketing dollars while engaging in multi-media campaigns. Our services include:
- Writing press releases, press kits and query letters
- Developing media plans and implementing schedules
- Devising advertising campaigns and follow up strategies
- Creating scripts for radio and television advertising

Additional creative solutions include:
- Premium items and giveaways
- Sales strategies and incentives
- Referral programs
- Sponsorships
- Loyalty programs and discount offers
- Web-based specials and deals
- Trade show booths, materials, promotions and special events
We will work with you to find the best strategy to fit your situation.
Whether your business is large, small or mid-size, AMW Marketing has the experience, expertise and flexibility to meet your needs.
We can help with a one-time project, large, integrated campaigns or on a month to month basis. No matter what industry you are in, no matter the size of your business, and no matter the type of company you run, AMW Marketing can assist.
Marketing involves building relationships. Your business is serving others in one way or another, so it's critical to let others know how well you do your work and what differentiates your business from your competitors. A few tips for using your marketing budget appropriately:
- Keep track. AMW Marketing can help manage your marketing projects, analyze data, track outcomes and refine strategies so you know what's working.
- Go online. Having a strong online presence not only legitimizes your business to the world, but allows for quick response time and one-click purchases. AMW Marketing can design or revamp your website and create compelling content to draw and keep online visitors coming to your website.
- Outsource. Although it's tempting for paid staff to do everything, it makes more sense for them to do something with greater return. Let AMW Marketing take care of your marketing and communications so you can get down to making a difference in our core business.
When budgets are tight and sales are down, the temptation is to pour your resources into your product and your people, and put marketing on the back burner. Now is the time to get the word out! A few tips to communicate to your audience economically:
- Stick to the basics. When AMW Marketing works with you to develop materials we make suggestions to stetch your doallar such as don't include contact names or dates on longer term items which can be ordered in larger quantities and have a longer shelf life. Both save money.
- Go online. Even the most basic nuts and bolts businesses benefit from a presence on the internet. AMW Marketing can help with email newsletters, web design, and company blogs, all of which reach more people and cost less money than printed materials.
- Use free press. What's new with your organization? AMW Marketing can use everyday company news to create on and off-line press releases and public service announcements and get your company name in front of prospective customers, with no advertising costs.